Watermelon Diet

8:54 AM Posted by Michael Voznesenski

 Watermelon Diet 

Watermelon season - the perfect time to bring your body in order. Watermelon nutritionists call an amazing product, and watermelon diet can observe almost all, because it has very few contraindications.

How useful watermelon? 

Health benefits of watermelon have long been known. This berry contains glucose and fructose, which are easily absorbed by the body, folic acid, pectin and cellulose. The quality and quantity of vitamins in the watermelon is also impressive. He is able to quickly clear the body of toxins because of their diuretic properties. If you want to clean your body from toxins favor of watermelon is difficult to overestimate. But before we sit on the watermelon diet, should consult with a specialist.

Diet for watermelon 

So, you have been approved by a specialist and have decided to sit on the watermelon diet. This means that you have to eat watermelon all the time, not excluding the night. The fact that it is the concentration of urine at night, which causes kidney stones. Arbuzov diet lasts 5 days, this period is quite enough to rid the body of toxins, excess water, salts and other troubles. To lose weight on watermelon and leave it at that time. At night you need to eat 1 kg of watermelon at 10 kg (that is, if you weigh 60 kg, then you need 6 kg of melon flesh, and if 85, then 8.5 kg). And you should listen carefully to the body, because this diet - not the best thing you can offer him, and sometimes it can cause a backlash. But in most cases Watermelon diet is recommended for liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, infectious hepatitis, gallstone disease). He recommended as unloading food in atherosclerosis, gout, obesity. Can I lose weight on a watermelon? Watermelon diet quite effective, they also have a use for those who suffers from insomnia and loss of strength.

If the watermelon diet, you should also get rid of kidney stones, you must act as follows. Only your food will watermelons and black bread. So, in the 2-3 o'clock in the morning (best time for this process), type a warm bath, sit in it and eat watermelon. On the eighth day at 2 am should drink 2 tablets but-shpy and lie in a hot bath. The water in the tub all the time should be hot. In the morning start profuse urination, and possible pain. If severe pain, then you can drink two more pills, but shpy and jump, rising on tiptoe and sharply down on the heel. And again in the bath. A couple of weeks again. In season, this procedure can be performed 2-3 times, and those who tried to argue that the result is very pleasing. Hot water dilates blood vessels, in a warm bath sand and stones, if they are in the kidneys, waste is not so painful. Reviews watermelon diet also suggest that in the watermelon can lose weight up to 8 kg per week.

Cons watermelon diet 

Contraindications for watermelon diet are congenital anomalies of the genitourinary system, postoperative commissural processes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, duodenal ulcer and stomach. So sometimes when watermelon diet should be used instead of black bread white. Black bread reduces the efficiency of watermelon diet, because it leads to oxidation of urine. Also Watermelon diet is not recommended for those who have large stones in the kidneys, because they can begin to go out, not dissolved until the end, and as a result begin renal colic. Older people and people with chronic bowel diseases may suffer from swelling, and patients with diabetes should consider the daily rate of sugar.

How to choose a watermelon 

Weight Loss for Watermelons involves eating only ripe fruit. How to choose a watermelon? When selecting watermelon desirable to comply with hygiene standards. Do not incise watermelon in the purchase, it should be washed at home with hot soapy water. This will not be a "lucky winner" of the intestinal infection, which often occurs during the season of striped berries. Kidney / urinary stones should not, by the way, lift weights, even if it is - watermelons a day diet. Physical activity - one way to get an attack of renal colic. For a start, is to arrange a discharge date on the watermelon, during which eat only 2 kg of watermelon. One day a week throughout the season - and you'll feel much better.

The choice of watermelon - it seriously. A ripe melon - a matte finish, hollow sound when tapped, and compression - crack. If a watermelon grew on standards, then they will be available no earlier than the beginning of the season. And what comes before and draws its beauty - the result of the impact of growth promoters and fertilizers. So it is better to wait and get a good result from the healing power of the watermelon. Season watermelons - this August and September. Storing melons also requires the right attitude. Green-striped fruit refers to perishable products. Cut watermelon should I store no more than 2-3 days. Ideally, all slices of watermelon, cut off today, today and eat.

How many calories in watermelon? Watermelon Calories - only 28 kcal per 100 grams. Those who already know how to lose weight with watermelon, say that the watermelon diet does not feel the heaviness in the stomach after eating. But also in watermelon diet and do not feel hunger, as the volume of absorbed food quite impressive. If you watch his figure and, from time to time, find new diets for weight correction - that offer in August and September to try it watermelon diet.

I want to be thin! 3rd week of weight loss

8:43 AM Posted by Michael Voznesenski

3rd week of weight loss 

 All third week during off-hours involved in the move, so much worn out the established regime. In the gym during the week was only once. By the way, is now up to the fitness club I became even closer. Other exercises were also pushed. Former diet was broken. Due to the fact that mainly eat out, comply with its managed difficult, although trying very hard, ordered mostly fruits, vegetables, fish. In short, I thought that a few pumped back into the weight. In fact, lost a few pounds. But it seems to merit the last week intensified training, the inertial effect continued.

Now move over, all the conditions for the further comfort slimming. I will continue as planned. Unfortunately, until this time, as would be strange (for me) it did not seem to be very little free time to blog, and in general. Now try to devote more time to blog, as well as comments from readers.

At the beginning of 168.2 kg
Last week was 157.8 kg
Today, 156.0 kg
Weekly difference -1.8 kg (-1.1%)
The difference from the beginning of -12.2 kg (-7.3%)
Abdominal circumference - 162 cm (- 1 cm per week - 5 cm from the beginning of weight loss).

I want to be thin! Week 2 and 3

9:13 AM Posted by Michael Voznesenski

Unfortunately, only now configure internet in new flat. So belatedly publish the results of the second and third weeks of weight loss. 

The second week was extremely successful, got to lose 8 kg, that is exactly what I expected. Physical exercises have borne fruit.

In the beginning 168.2
Last week was 165.9
Today 157.8

Weekly difference - 8.1 kg (- 4.9%)
The difference from the beginning - 10.4 kg (- 6.2%)
Abdominal circumference - 163 cm (- 2 cm per week - 4 cm from the beginning of weight loss).

I want to be thin! Day 1.

11:20 AM Posted by Michael Voznesenski

Only a few minutes before 1 August 2009 - the day on which I have appointed the beginning of his weight loss. Experiments on the slimming process I will describe in this blog. In addition, the blog will be filled with plenty of information, in varying degrees related to the processes of weight loss and health improvement. I'll tell about their past small victories over weight, and about a lot of mistakes that I made and which he studied. Describe your attitude to different ways of losing weight and much more.

I look forward to feedback from readers of this blog. Welcomes comments and discussion notes, as well as questions, answers, criticism, thanks.

The goal that I set myself - for one year (until August 1, 2010) to lose weight exactly in half, from 168 to 84 pounds. Lose my intention without recourse to surgery and a variety of drugs for weight loss, only natural in the traditional way, based on a set of properly chosen diet and exercise.

Format blog

The mass of useful material on diet, fitness, weight loss methods contained in "Information" in the right side of the page. This section was created to attract new readers, as well as providing the necessary information wishing to almost all methods of weight loss. The data records marked as "Background", do not express my personal view on certain issues. But in the future I will give my own opinion and attitude to most of them. In contrast, in "My weight loss", described by my personal thoughts.

Every Friday I will make measurements and lay out here the results of his diet, draw conclusions and predictions for the future. In my notes, I will try to avoid the banal descriptions of food eaten, exercise and psychological breakdowns, which often are full of diaries slimming. I will try to blog one of the most interesting resources for losing weight.

This site was created not for the purpose of commercial benefit, unlike almost all resources on weight loss. Therefore, there is no room for annoying advertising, abundantly raspihannoy in all the corners, all the usable space blog will be given by the right information.

On the blog regularly scheduled to add new records and updating obsolete materials.

Initial measurements

Two key indicators that I will be guided - the weight in kilograms and abdominal girth (measurement of the circumference of the navel). Once a month, every last Friday of the month, I will lay out an extended review, which will be specified and other measurements.

Primary indicators:

Measuring Value
The neck is 42 cm
Biceps 44 cm
Elbow 34 cm
Forearm 18 cm
Chest 139 cm
Waist 138 cm
Belly 167 cm
Taz 150 cm
Hip 81 cm
Knee 46 cm
Calf 47 cm
Height 177 cm
Weight 168.2 kg

First "thin" post!

3:04 PM Posted by Michael Voznesenski

Hi, everyone. My name is Myhail Voznesenskyy. I'm the famous Ukrainian dietitian. My publications are translated into several foreign languages.

This blog will acquaint you with the new slimming technologies.

Be with us! Read us! Follow us! And you always be strong and handsome!