I want to be thin! 3rd week of weight loss

8:43 AM Posted by Michael Voznesenski

3rd week of weight loss 

 All third week during off-hours involved in the move, so much worn out the established regime. In the gym during the week was only once. By the way, is now up to the fitness club I became even closer. Other exercises were also pushed. Former diet was broken. Due to the fact that mainly eat out, comply with its managed difficult, although trying very hard, ordered mostly fruits, vegetables, fish. In short, I thought that a few pumped back into the weight. In fact, lost a few pounds. But it seems to merit the last week intensified training, the inertial effect continued.

Now move over, all the conditions for the further comfort slimming. I will continue as planned. Unfortunately, until this time, as would be strange (for me) it did not seem to be very little free time to blog, and in general. Now try to devote more time to blog, as well as comments from readers.

At the beginning of 168.2 kg
Last week was 157.8 kg
Today, 156.0 kg
Weekly difference -1.8 kg (-1.1%)
The difference from the beginning of -12.2 kg (-7.3%)
Abdominal circumference - 162 cm (- 1 cm per week - 5 cm from the beginning of weight loss).

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